Vegan Tasty Healthy Moral The Vine
Vegan Baking used to be my biggest challenge. After months and months of research and exploration, I can proudly say that I have mastered the art of Vegan Baking and would absolutely LOVE to share my knowledge, findings, tips, ingredients and techniques to make these baked goods taste just as good (if not better!) without ANY animal products.
In this course we'll explore a range of baked "stuff" from breads to savory shortcrust pastries and scones to tall and moist cakes and crumbly buttery-like cookies and more.
If you have a specific baked good in mind that you'd love to Veganise, email me before hand and we will work on it during the course itself !
Places on our courses are in high-demand and are allocated in the order of applications received. If you'd like to take part in this course, simply add your details to the reservation form and we'll email you as soon as you reach the top of the queue. You'll then have a chance to choose a day that suits you best.
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